Let us first make it clear and agree to agree that nobody owes you your happiness.It is true your happiness depends on the quality of your thoughts. It is your sole responsibility and your duty to see yourself happy. People in our lives are suppose to come and be happy with us and not bring us happiness. If they bring you happiness it then simply mean when they leave, they then take their happiness with. Be happy together and separate or alone. Fighting, arguments, being angry, hurt or disappointments are suppose to happen in the midst of happiness. All these negative feelings/emotions are not to be in the absence of happiness but they should be overpowered by it.
In many instances life is very simple yet we choose to complicate it. Yes, it’s a choice!! We think and we dwell on our thoughts and it is odd how it is human nature to dwell on negative ones rather than the good ones. Thinking is very easy, we can think of anything any how we want to but the trick here is which thoughts do we allow to take control. Which quality of thoughts do we invite over or allow in? Everything starts in the mind, be it how we will spend our day, how productive or not we want to be for the day, a business idea, robbing a bank, robbing poor people of their money, making the next person’s life difficult or making them smile. It is a fact that your happiness depends on the quality of your thoughts.
Why do we choose to believe everything else is our responsibility except our happiness. On a daily we think of all sorts of things and we take responsibility that they must happen, we take risks and we forcefully push to see them happening but we take our happiness and place it on other people’s hands or we measure it with circumstances. Why is happiness an exception? The absolute most important factor in our lives. At times we dream of having things that are not meant for us and when we base our happiness on that then we will never be happy. We cannot deny the fact that your happiness depends on the quality of your thoughts. What is not meant for you will either not stay or you will never even have a touch or taste of it. Not all dreams will come true, otherwise just imagine how the world would be. Variety spices up life!!
Be the leader, the captain and the boss of your thoughts. Lead the way and drive them to where you want not where they are taking you. Poor thoughts=poor level of happiness=poor performance=poor results=poor life. If you think positive, your thoughts will generate excitement and ultimately creating a positive happy environment around you. Positive thoughts= happiness= outstanding performance=great results=life rich in happiness & always looking forward to challenges not fear them. Facing challenges with the positive mind will help you understand that should you not win does not mean you are a failure but a lesson is learned. The lesson might be how to tackle things differently happily willing to try again or to realize if it was not for you without feeling like you wasted your time but being grateful for the opportunity. The lesson might also be realizing more of your strength and weaknesses. You can never know it all!! Think positive and be grateful, you’ll be happier that way. In this case your happiness depends on the quality of your thoughts.
We can never escape negative thinking but the secret is to not give it a room.However this cant overrule the fact that your happiness depends on the quality of your thoughts. Be so full of positivity that whenever that thought comes, you instantly feel overcrowded to let in. This is a skill you can learn and master then use in all areas of your life. Shhh!! Don’t tell anyone. Let me share my secret here, personally as a woman whenever that thought of suspecting my partner is cheating comes sneaking in then I use this same skill to drive my thoughts to where I rather be and that will be a happy place. Lets take a look at this secret of mine and ask yourself this question; would you rather be sulking, be hurt, throw tantrums, cause unnecessary fights based on your unfounded thought or would you be better off thinking how wonderful he treats you or how funny he can be you even start smiling alone?
Now tell me if this is not a choice you make of what QUALITY of thoughts you allow to take over . Your thinking was driving you somewhere but you took control of where you wanted to go. It’s a fact that most women think about it and the quality of their thoughts will show in their actions. When your thoughts drive you to a certain place, you make a choice of the reaction or the end results. Your positive thinking will never allow rubbish in your mind. Do not be in denial bear in mind that you will think all the rubbish but you will not have a reaction out of them. In this case, you should understand that your happiness depends on the quality of your thoughts.
With these article I would love to advice especially my dear fellow women to take a step back and ponder on these. Take a journey back, think about your actions to this moment and ask yourself questions like; How have my thoughts contributed to my actions? How many of them sabotaged my happiness and how many still are? How much of my happiness have I made another person’s responsibility? How much of my happiness have I sacrificed because I thought……? Beautiful women dare to be happy? Be happy because, your happiness depends on the quality of your thoughts
Here is the way to your happiness:
- Wake up and start a day with positive thoughts
- It’s not your duty to keep others happy but invite them into your happy space
- Do not allow anyone to suck it out, own it.
- Learn and master the skill to be the captain of your thoughts
- It is okay to be sad but don’t be consumed by sadness
- Stop complaining
- Remember you are not perfect
- Consider failing at something to be a great opportunity
- Compete with yourself
- Kill self-doubt
- Remind yourself that you don’t know everything & you can’t control everything
- Respond, don’t react
- Lastly take responsibility and be happy now!!
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