Women should learn to have self-love
We forever want to give our love to men and when it is not well received we feel bad to a point of depression, we become stalkers and we feel worthless for some that lead to suicide while others use the money to try to keep a man. How weird can it get that we turn against our own families because we yearn to be loved by an outsider? Yet we forget to love ourselves first. Love yourself first and learn that next will be attracted by that self-love. We are afraid not to be loved while we sacrifice ourselves. We rather allow the next to treat us bad and suffer in the name of love and that is pure definition of lack of self-love. A woman who loves herself will know the true definition of how love should be like and she will never allow herself to be treated otherwise. She doesn’t long for love as she is quite capable of loving herself. She will never settle for anything less because she has an understanding of how to be loved and she can effortlessly give back the love. How do you expect to be loved when you can’t do the honor of loving yourself? And how do you know you love the next person when you do not know how to love yourself first?
As women or rather as mothers we need to learn to teach our kids how to love within our home environments then we will raise a future nation that appreciates themselves and never desperate to feel the wrong affection the world offers. Women are the strongest sex naturally so and have the power to change every situation into something completely different. We are Warriors Over Men Eternally and Naturally and that is God given power. Any woman has the power to manipulate her partner for as long they share a bed no matter how wise, intelligent and powerful the man can be. Frankly, any man who settles for a woman who never challenges them mentally is a coward who is afraid of a challenge and who needs to feel superior over a woman for wrong reasons. I am making that statement to make most women realize how much power they are holding. We all understand and know that men are the captains of the ships but we are meant to be loved while our partners are meant to get the utmost respect from us for loving us.
We are so desperate to be loved but never desperate enough to make a success of our lives. The truth is appreciating yourself will make others appreciate you more and you will be a more appealing individual. Self-confidence is attractive and it will attract the right kind of people you want to be around. People can see right through you and they sense any kind of desperation or doubt in you then they will take advantage of that. Men are forever waiting for an opportunity to present itself and they never stop trying to make their move, should they find your weakest link they will surely use it against you. You attract certain types of people, be unsure of how a piece of clothing looks on you or how a certain hairstyle looks on the shape of your head but never ever be unsure about who you are and what you deserve.
Men will have you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and still spit you out like a used tasteless gum and never look back or even feel sorry for what they did. Desperate measures lend us into trouble and we get stuck into situations that are so toxic and very damaging to our well-being. All this is self-inflicted pain let us strive to learn to turn it around to self-inflicted none sacrificing love be selfish about your well-being and dignity. Be selfish about giving away your beautiful love to those who don’t care about it but about just using you for their own selfish needs. The past cannot be changed it’s gone and we look back as a reminder not to make the same mistake again but to build a better person in us. You are a treasure and you deserve better. You can only walk in power if you know who you are.
We are Roses we have thorns meant to keep the rubbish away and keep those who know how to handle with care closer because they deserve our true aromatic nature!!!!!
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